Felicia Nestor, Esq.
11 Broadway, Ste. 615, New York, N.Y. 10004


          A law firm dedicated to
                championing the rights
                      of employees

                          (646) 647-9840
               free initial phone consultation

     Our law office is conveniently located near Bowling Green.

     Less than one block from the:

        #4 and 5  subway at Bowling Green


     One block from the:

         #1 subway at Rector Street

         R, W subway at Rector Street


     Four blocks from the:

         J, M, Z subway at Broad Street

     Five blocks from the #2 and 3 subway at Wall Street


(Please call for an appointment before visiting our office.)

Get Directions To:
11 Broadway
New York N.Y. 10004